Call For Tutorials

 GIIS 2025 Call For Tutorials

The Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS2025) is inviting tutorial proposals that offer comprehensive teaching materials on current and emerging topics relevant to the conference. Tutorials should focus on subjects within the conference's scope. Possible tutorial topics include, but are not limited to:

·        Next Generation Networks

·        Next generation (5G/6G) mobile communications

·        5G and Internet of Things

·        Heterogeneous networks and small cells

·        Ad Hoc and sensor networks

·        D2D and M2M communications

·        Multi-antenna and beamforming systems

·        Signal processing for communications

·        Big data networking

·        Cognitive radio and networks

·        Pervasive and mobile computing

·        Wireless optical communications and VLC

·        Communications switching and routing

·        Traffic measurement and analysis

·        Smart grid and powerline communications

·        Satellite and space communications

·        Industry 4.0 and Industrial IoT

·        IoT architecture design and optimization

·        Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks

·        IoT communication protocols (6LoWPAN, RPL, 6TiSCH, LoRaWAN)

·        IoT data protocols (MQTT-SN, COAP, XMPP-IoT, AMQP)

·        URLLC for mission critical IoT

·        Energy efficiency and energy harvesting in IoT

·        Data collection, processing, aggregation, and communication

·        Self-organization and self-healing of IoT networks

·        Cross-layer design and optimization in IoT

·        Machine-type communications in 5G systems

·        Security and privacy for IoT

·        Blockchain and IoT

·        Sensor deployment, placement, control and management issues

·        Experimental results, prototypes, trials and testbeds for IoT

·        Edge-Fog Computing

·        Mobile cloud computing and 5G

·        Privacy and security in 5G

·        Cyber-physical systems

·        Big data and 5G data analytics

·        V2X standards and architectures

·        R&D activities towards IMT-2020 and beyond

·        5G Spectrum

·        5G standardization

·        5G applications and services

·        Network functions virtualization and software defined networking

·        Network slicing

·        Emerging IoT applications in 5G networks

·        Tactile Internet

·        Molecular, biological and multi-scale communications

·        Telecommunication and Network Engineering Education

·        Communication software and services

·        Services for rural and developing areas

·        Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE)

·        Cloud computing

·        Smart cities, smart public places, smart home, smart agriculture/farming

·        Standards for communications and networking

·        Telecommunication Standards Education

·        Standardization activities (IEEE, 3GPP, ITU, ETSI, IETF)

·        Open communities, open API, open source

·        Telecom, governance, policy and regulations

·        Telecom business: local, country, region and international cases

·        Business models for global access

·        Spectrum regulation

·        Strategies for growing rural connectivity

·        Communities in connectivity policy making

·        Social and societal roles of ICT

Submission Guidelines

A GIIS 2025 tutorial proposal should be submitted via email to the tutorial co-chair in a single PDF file (3 pages max.), and must include the following:

Please ensure that your submission adheres to these guidelines.